小编精选了 15 则非常经典的电影对白,每一则都深深打中人心!
1. 没有谁能够永远伤害你;当你懂得放下时,伤就开始愈合了。
No one can hurt you forever; let go, and the wound will start to heal.
《Maleficent》, 2014
2. 想要改变,就要有离开舒适圈的准备。
If you want changes to happen, be prepared to leave your comfort zone.
《The Secret Life of Walter Mitty》, 2013
3. 迷路时就跟着梦想走,它会找到出路。
When you're lost, follow your dreams. They know the way.
《Coco》, 2017
4. 比改变更难的,是接受那些不能改变的。
Changing is hard, accepting what can't be changed is harder.
《The Glass Castle》, 2017
5. 用力去爱的结果不一定会是幸福,但绝对会让你勇敢。
You may not always find happiness when you chase after love, but it will always make you brave.
《No Strings Attached》, 2011
6. 有时候挫折不是为了打击你,而是让你看清谁是真的关心你。
Sometimes setbacks aren't meant to crush you, but for you to know who truly cares about you.
《Elizabethtown》, 2005
7. 喜欢一个人,是跟他在一起很开心。爱一个人,是就算不开心还是想要在一起。
You know you like someone when you are happy together; you know you love someone when you still want to be together when you're sad.
《Love & Other Drugs》, 2010
8. 过去之所以让人难受,不是因为回不去,而是因为放不下。
The past hurts not because you can't go back to it, but because you can't let go of it.
《Inception》, 2010
9. 想要过一个精彩的人生,是不需要等待任何事的。
You don't have to wait for anything to live a exciting life.
《The Most Beautiful Day》, 2016
10. 人之所以痛苦,在于强求不属于自己的东西。
A lot of suffering came from going after those that didn't belong to us.
《Thor》, 2011
11. 真正虚伪的,是那些总在你面前努力表现真诚的人。
True hypocrites are those who try so hard to be true to your face.
《Get Out》, 2017
12. 最应该珍惜的永远是身边的人,因为他们愿意为了你留下。
Always cherish those around you, for they have decided to stay because of you.
《Burnt》, 2015
13. 批判一个你不了解的人,就像是用自己的想象力去写别人的故事。
Judging someone you don't understand is like writing their stories with your own imagination.
《The Girl with All the Gifts》, 2017
14. 一个人会被欺骗,不是因为他不知道真相,而是因为他没想过要去质疑。
The reason some people were deceived isn't because they didn't know the answer, but because they didn't try to question.
《Captain America: The Winter Soldier 》, 2014
15. 如果一个人的成功感动了你,那他所做出的牺牲会让你心碎。
If the success of someone has touched you, the sacrifice he made will break your heart.
《Loving Vincent》, 2017