
Moretify 听话小编


快来跟着小编的脚步,一起看完 2021 年必看的 16 个新年短片吧!



Watsons - 过靓年最留恋 #HappyBeautifulYear​ 2021

短片讲诉着名双人女子组合留恋姐妹因为一件小事解散团体后,于 20 多年后复合重返舞台!

卡斯阵容除了有大咖网红和艺人助阵,更邀请了 90 年代红极一时的风采姐妹组合郭雯雯、郭燕燕回归唱跳!

Sunway Group


Sunway 今年的新年短片以动画方式呈现,带出了分享的种子在教育界播种后,是如何在日后成为丰硕果实的讯息。更棒的是,这个故事还是由真人真事启发的!


Shared Prosperity and Wisdom

This Chinese New Year, Sunway brings you our first animation that follows the inspiring tale of Chow Shenn Kuan, a Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Special Scholarship recipient who hails from a B40 background, and despite trying circumstances, has now achieved much success and thrived in her life through the gift of education. The short film highlights the stark social disparity between two young girls and how they struck up a strong friendship through common interests and goals. We can create a brighter future for all through shared wisdom and prosperity. Have a safe and Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Read on our Sunway story here: https://www.sunway.com.my/stories/sunway-brings-forth-a-message-of-hope-through-shared-prosperity-and-wisdom/ If this video has inspired you in some way, vote for us here! The Star - https://sites.thestar.com.my/chinesenewyearvideos2021/ Expert’s Choice Awards - https://marketingmagazine.com.my/ #SunwayGroup #SunwayCNY2021 #CNY2021 #SharedProsperity #SharedWisdom

Posted by Sunway Group on Monday, 8 February 2021

Gamuda Land

Gamuda Land 今年的新年短片好特别!巧妙地利用 e-Moo-ji 来引述新常态的沟通方式,非常有创意!

Rejoice in Harmony《家睦则达》(e-Moo-ji) [CNY 2021 Short Film]

Rejoice in Harmony This year we took a different approach with our Chinese New Year video, like everything else we had to adapt and change . For the health and safety of everyone involved, we had to be innovative. Our video was creatively produced remotely using EMOJI as a symbolic representation of emotions in our new normal virtual conversations today Despite all the challenges, the value of sincerity is ever enduring. Through sincerity, we open our hearts and minds to each other, with sincerity we will find harmony and with harmony, naturally comes happiness. And happiness is the essence of prosperity. We sincerely hope our effort inspires, uplifts and brings you renewed joy and hope. Gong Xi Fa Cai & Happy Chinese New Year! 家睦则达 随着周遭的变化,今年农历新年的短片和以往也有些不同 。为了确保大家安全 ,我们全体人员发挥了创意,巧妙地利用表情符号来引述新常态的沟通方式,在各自完成了自己的项目后,结合至成果。 尽管面临种种挑战,真心和诚意是永恒的。当我们诚心相待,和睦共处时,就能感受到和谐、喜悦,富裕繁荣也会随之而来。希望这次别出心栽的呈现方式可以为大家带来鼓励、欢喜和希望。 在这里祝大家,恭喜发财,新年快乐! #GamudaLand #CNY2021 #ShortFilm #Emoji #RejoiceInHarmony #家睦则达 #HappyChineseNewYear #新年快乐 #SincereResponsibleOriginal

Posted by Gamuda Land on Friday, 5 February 2021

LG PuriCare - 把思念送回家


爸妈对不起! 为了保护你们, 今年我选择不回家过年!


Posted by Goody25.com on Thursday, 4 February 2021

Daikin - The Extraordinary Family GO喜发财

小编真的觉得 Daikin 今年的新年短片真的很搞笑有创意!

短片讲诉一个普普通通的帅小伙如何用 Go Daikin 的应用程序,让有特异功能的女朋友家人对他改观,进而成为合格的未来女婿!

Tenaga Nasional - 除年迎新



NSK 霸级市场 - 牛气哄哄 MooMoo Bi

新年短片怎么少得了新年歌!来看看 NSK 霸级市场推出的新年歌!



办年货就要来NSK! #价格便宜货又正 #还有好听的新年歌陪你逛街 不仅东西便靓正,最重要的是可以安心购物!NSK霸级市场在全马共有25间分行,每一家都做足防疫SOP,就是要让我们买得安心 即便不能出去串门拜年,但是疫情下的新年依然可以在家把年过好!祝福大家新的一年都能牛转乾坤,许下的每个愿望都能实现 #goody #gb25

Posted by Goody25.com on Monday, 18 January 2021

Hong Leong Bank Berhad - 年的传说


想要了解年兽的故事,可以借由这部 Hong Leong Bank 制作的短片了解!

Maxis - 小狮王

新春最新的 SOP 禁止进行舞狮活动。短片里讲诉一个舞狮世家如何在今年调整新生活,并把舞狮的真正意义传授给家庭里最小的家庭成员!

FOUN - 转好运 庆锋年

来听全新的房地产全方位应用程序 FOUN 的新年歌!


CELCOM - A Story of our Strength


Celcom Chinese New Year 2021 - A Story of our Strength

Through hardships and challenges faced, we found strength in the bonds we share with one another. Making Chinese New Year a celebration of our connections with those who matter most. We know that food plays an important role in any reunion, that's why Celcom is hosting a one-of-a-kind event to share the spirit of togetherness. Register your interest by 7 February 2021 to secure a seat at the table. Happy Chinese New Year from Celcom. #StrengthInOurBonds​ #CelcomCNY2021

Posted by Celcom on Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Farm Fresh

Farm Fresh 今年的新年短片真的找牛来拍啊!希望大家今年金牛报喜发大财!


Happy Chinese New Year!!! May our Golden Ox year bring you good Health, Happiness & Prosperity!!! www.farmfreshmart.com

Posted by Farm Fresh Milk Malaysia on Saturday, 6 February 2021

Grab - 耍太极之术 2021

来看拟人化的 Grab 应用程序!不敢出门买东西也没关系,不管是要叫外卖、送新年 kuih、采购  groceries 都可以让 Grab 出马!

RHB - Love Carries On

RHB 今年的新春短片改编自真人真事,满满的洋葱!!!大马资深老戏骨温绍平的演技真的很好!



Setia - 籍庆同欢

Setia 今年的短片蛮有意思,可以让大家了解各籍贯的新年习俗!

余仁生 - 新春公益短片







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